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Jetstream 41 (British Aerospace Jetstream)

by aerofleet 2009. 6. 15.


Jetstream 41

 (Misibis Aviation Corp. Manila Philippines)

Jet stream 41

Dimensions: Wingspan 18.42m(60ft.5in); length overall 19.25m(63ft.2in); height overall 5.74m(18ft 10in), wing area 32.59sqm(350.8sqf).
Power Plant: Two AlliedSignal TPE331-14GR/HR turboprops, flat rated at 1,230kW(1,650shp). Five-blade McCauley metal propellers.

Jetstream 41 (British Aerospace Jetstream)

Weights: Operating weight empty 6,473kg(14,277lb); max take-off 10,886kg(24,000lb); max landing 10,569kg(23,300lb).
Performance: Max cruising speed 297kts(547km/h); rate of climb 11.2m/s(2,22oft/min); service ceiling 7,925m(26,000ft); take-off field

29 seats configure

length 1,523m(5,000ft); landing field length 1,280m(4,200ft); max payload range 775nm(1,434km).
Accommodation: Flight crew of two. Two-abreast seating on right hand side of the aislea

VIP 17 seats configure

and single row on left, for maximum 29 passengers. Rear and ventral baggage volume 6.16 qm(217.5qf)


Engine Instrument




사업자 정보 표시
에어로샵 | 홍성하 | 서울특별시 금천구 벚꽃로 73 금천현대종합상가 지하2호 | 사업자 등록번호 : 646-60-00358 | TEL : 010-2701-1221 | Mail : aeroshop@naver.com | 통신판매신고번호 : 2019-서울금천-1442호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기
